
By anonymous


This is a blip of my feet. Why have I chosen my feet to be my first blip? I've chosen my feet to be my first blip because my feet are the worst part of my body.

There are other parts of my body that I don't like, e.g. My tummy which I always think is too big. ................Actually that's it? The only two parts of my body that I don't like are my feet and my tummy. For a 52 year old woman I don't think that's too bad.

OK my tummy is a bit big & flabby and probably doesn't look the best in a bikini. But actually I don't care. I'm 52 years old? I've got to accept that I'm not as gorgeous looking as I was 30 years ago??!! 30 years ago, as an insecure 20 something, I thought I had a problem with my tummy ................... and I looked like a stick insect then?!

My feet though are a different matter. I have inherited all the bad genes from both of my parents and both sets of my grandparents. I have bunions, corns, hard skin, flaking skin, in growing toenails, flaking toe nails, yellow toe nails, dry skin, etc., etc. You name it? I've got it. ................It doesn't worry me....................... I've just learnt to live with it.

Obviously, I would love to be able to paint my toe nails, wear flip-flops or open toed sandals. Well I could if I wanted, but I choose not to.

My feet look deformed and if people see them, they do comment, which is fine, that doesn't bother me. But over the years I've learnt that it's easier to keep them covered than to explain why they're like they are.

In the mid 80's I actually went to the doctor to ask if I should have an operation to straighten my bunions. The doctor said that each foot would have to be operated on separately and would be out of action for 6 weeks. He also said that there was no guarantee that an operation would work. He said unless I was in a lot of pain he wouldn't recommend it. I wasn't in a lot of pain and to be honest I've never been in a lot of pain. ....................... So I still have deformed feet? but I don't care.

Over the years I've just learnt to live with the fact that I have to keep my feet covered up for most of the time. It's not a great hardship. People have much worse things in life to cope with.

When I'm on holiday, or down on the beach, I take my shoes off. People may stare but I don't actually care.

Fortunately I like myself. I think I have quite a good self image of myself.

OK, so my feet are not the most photogenic part of my body, but do I care?? NO I DON'T.

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