must try harder

By halfcj

Why am I not suprised?

As much as yesterday was a productive day, today was a complete waste of one. Why?...BT.

Stayed at home all day. Guaranteed engineer visit. Latest will be 6 o'clock. Guaranteed. Spoke to customer services at 5.40. Still, they guaranteed he was just around the corner and would definitely be there. "...please be sure you are in when he calls".

I wanted to be angry and shout down the phone. But you'd all be proud of my restraint. After all, he had another 20 minutes before he time was officially up.'s just past midnight now. Wonder if I should stay up all night? Wonder if they meant between 9 tonight and 6 in the morning? There's a thought.

Of course I did call customer services about 7.45pm, took me about 21 minutes to get through to the right department at that time of night. I was greeted by a pre-recorded message that politely informed me that the office closed at 8pm, call again tomorrow.

Hence, I did not get out of the house today, except for my back garden, so the only thing I could even be bothered to photograph is tonight's blip. It just the sky over my house. The sun was shining, the clouds were dramatic and it seemed there was promise of a good day tomorrow. It looked like a map of the world! That seemed to fit my day and my mood. I could have ranted for a long time on this....being totally intolerant of complete incompetence, but best left to history.

There you go. Positive thinking in the face of diversity.

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