
By cracker


Had tea at my brother, Craig's house last night and caught up with him and his family which was great! I drove over to my sister, Nik's house after that and stayed with her as she lives closer to the fire station I am at for the month! While I was at Craig's Mum called and said that our Nana is in hospital. She is 89 years old and is an amazing women. She is still so active, paints pictures, is learning how to use the computer and internet and has an extensive garden that she maintains!

I went and visited her on Sunday and she said that she wasn't feeling quite right and that she had had a few 'turns' but nothing serious enough to call the ambulance. She had a doctors appointment for a week and half away. I told her that if she had any more funny 'turns' that she should call the ambulance straight away so that she could get looked at at the time.

Anyway apparently Sunday night she felt funny and called the ambulance and they checked her out and x-rayed her and found a bulge in her aorta behind her heart which they think is an anuerysm. She has gone today to a bigger hospital have a catscan to see exactly what the problem is. Craig and his daughter, Tia have gone down today to visit her and we are just waiting now to hear what the results are.

It is also my Pop's (on Dad's side, not Nana's husband) 86th birthday! I called him this morning to wish him a happy birthday and Craig is going to call in and see him after he visits Nana. I think he will get a pleasant surprise!

I have gone out to another station again today but it is much closer to home which is good! We have only had one call so far and I've just mucked about the rest of the time!

Tomorrow I will drop Spence off at daycare and then either go down and visit Nana or go to Traralgon and prepare some walls for painting. It will depend how Nana is.

I went out into the yard at work and used the macro lens to take this.

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