Deja View

By dejaview


We have been back to Kent for the weekend. Strange to be back in a place which is so familiar but no longer home! The blip I backdated yesterday shows some very special people that I miss.

Here is something else that I miss more than I thought I would! The sea is such a wonderful force. It has more moods than I do, which is saying something. It can be ferocious or peaceful and living alongside it you see all of those moods. It was the place I went to when I needed to be alone or to think and, somehow it always worked some sort of magic. My Mum loved the sea too and she and I spent many times here together.

Today it was just how I like it, the beach was deserted because the weather was drizzly (no noisy visitors!) The sea was fairly rough and the wind was not too bad. It re-charged my batteries!!

Hope you have all had a good weekend. Hopefully, I will have a bit more blipping time in the next few days!

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