Deja View

By dejaview


One of the worst things about moving areas is leaving friends behind.

This weekend we took my Auntie back to Kent after her week with us. One of my friends arranged for a get together at her house so that I could meet up with some very special people. Here they are....some of the very good friends I left behind. We have all been friends for a very long time, 20 years in one case. We have been there for one another through many of lifes ups and downs. We have cried together but, oh dear - we have laughed much!!

We had a WONDERFUL evening full of memories, catching up and hilarity. I may not be near them geographically any more, but I feel as close to them now as I ever did.

Friends keep us sane when we feel we are alone in the world with no-one who really understands us. So, thank you girls for a great weekend.... love you all lots. xx

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