Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Spooky Saturday

Welcome back iPhone you have been missed!

Got it back after my old one was at the insurers for three weeks after me dropping it. They provided me with a new one , it's the second claim in a year. My first phone that they had to replace I had dropped in a pile of coke. The letter from my insurers basically said " Please stop being such a bloody clumsy wench, as we won't pay out again " or words to that effect !

So this is one of the inaugural shots on the new phone, no editing , no photo shopping just plain old iphonography just like Mama used to make ...!!

This is a wonderful Yorkshire skyline , I would say which village but you all know the script with me and my usual haunts.

So in the village that I need not name, I met up withAppertunity and his Mum and friend at the arts trail that was on . Highlight was going to watch a short film in the college and sitting on aeroplane seats, they had six rows of seats, overhead lockers and the toilet behind it . Surreal but fun .

After that I went to watch a Spanish thriller film tonight with my friend Jane. We went to a wonderful small art deco cinema in Leeds. The film was called " Los ojos de Julia " which I think is Spanish for " This film will spook the hell out of you and terrify you for two hours and then try and redeem itself with some pretty footage of the universe and the stars in the closing credits "

Good film, worth a watch but only from behind a cushion !!

And on that peaceful note I shall leave you.

Sleep tight and less nightmares than me please
ps thanks for spotlight yesterday, talking pianos are clearly a winner then!

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