Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Movement: AKA Confessions of a Piano

( This Blip has been entered for Friday's Blip Challenge with the gang:
" Movement ")

Ok, so this is how it is

I have sat here in the corner of the dining room , neglected and unloved for over a year and suddenly my owner Rach decides that she needs to do an " alternative blip ". I not sure what all this Blipping means, I think it is something to do with getting into funny positions with a machine that appears to do sketch likenesses but with immediate results, this kind of stuff would have Wolfgang Amadeus turning in his grave I tell you.

So there I am in hibernation and that Rach decides she will finally lift my lid, without so much of a word of warning, so please excuse the dust but I didn't have time for a polish before the crazed woman got in front of me demanding that I look my best and she muttered something about " Oh yes, give it to the camera you shiny keyed big boy ".

So here I stand proudly displaying the first movement of Sonata in C K. 545 by Mr Mozart. Most people just know it as Sonata in C but I think that Rach was taking lateral thinking to the nth degree and wanted to incorporate the word "movement "into her Blip ;to be quiet honest I am not sure she had the imagination to actually go out and blip anything interesting like a bird in flight or a waterfall ( did I say imagnation, I also meant talent, I simply don't think she is clever enough to capture movement literally ).

Anyway, now I am awake I have also had the piano equivalent of a wake up call with a triple espresso ... she tried to play me.

She may have done this tune justice in her time, but in all honesty tonight her playing was worse than her being succint skills. Does she ever shut up !

I shall leave you with a link of what the 1st movement of this tunette sounds like.

Some man in a white wig playing it substantially better than my owner can

Happy 2011 at you. I hope I meet your blipnesses again later in the year when Rach has actually learnt to get me out more regularly.

Yours Faithfully
A Piano.


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