Monkey business

19months 6 days

So, do you know how hard it is to put a nappy on a monkey? More precisely, how hard it is to keep a nappy on a monkey. There's the whole tail issue - I mean, do you leave it out and the whole thing fall off? Do you poke it through, and risk leaks? It's a real quandry. As you can see, we failed to satisfactorily deal with the situation. But the boots stayed on. Until we had to leave the house, at which point Katie insisted she would wear them, and that the nappy perhaps wasnt snuggly enough when it was sleepysnuggles with Monks time.

She had fun at soft play, she missed Ava but was playing with her friend Lydia, and went through tunnels that someone had built a lot. She was desperate to get to gymnastics though and kept running to her bag for her tshirt and waving it at me as if to say "come on, lets go".

Katie was delighted when Bobbins arrived and they had lots of cuddles. They were the first into their class, so excited to get in! Katie liked the first activity, lots of balancing benches AND ducks to play with too. She tried some of the actions for "build a house" song for the first time, but not many. However, later on in the supermarket, she did the lot! She seems to do this with most things - she'll only show it to me until she's 110% confident in it. That's how she's been with walking, with her speech, and with actions to songs it seems!

She fought sleep and plodded on for another two hours after gymnastics - some lunch, a walk round the supermarket and some shops, before giving in as we headed to a friend's house. She got a bit of a sleep though.

Her and baby Noah played rather nicely until they both had nappy-based incidents. With Katie, I was a little overkeen to get her changed, and twice had to rechange the changed nappy. Poor Noah had a seriously explosive situation that required him to be stripped, bathed and the room somewhat cleaned! She'd remembered that the last time we'd been there, she'd gone up to Noah's room and got his books. She stood at the bottom of the stairs, pointing up saying "books".

At teatime tonight, I asked her if she wanted some bread with her tea. Her reply? With a giant grin on her face, "no, sweeties".

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