Can we all fit?

19months 7 days

Its a little ironic that Katie is blipped today playing at home, as really we've not had that long at home! But she'd made me laugh a lot when I took this photo, so had to blip it. She was playing with Monkey and Babba, rocking them, and decided to sit them all in - her too. Monkey got squashed, Babba ended up hanging by her legs and Katie was laughing away.

We went and helped Grandad a bit this morning, before we went and had a play in the park where we'd been. Katie had seen the swings as we passed earlier and was desperate to go on. Thankfully we missed a really horrible downpour, unlike the other times this week. She refused to go to sleep before her swimming lesson, staying awake the hour or so that I was doing jobs in town. Normally, no sleep doesnt tend to bode well for swimming, but actually she was pretty good. She went nearly a width on her own without me holding on at all. She's come up with this novel sort of bounce/swim technique. She cant stand on the floor at the depth she was at, yet moved the full distance, so it worked for her! She enjoyed her armband time still though as she can move at speed with those on.

Straight from swimming we went to meet Harrison and Aiden, with their mummy. We went to the garden centre. The children had a great time with the soft play, Katie loves the ball machine there. She insists on it being on the whole time even if she's not playing with it. She'll stop whatever she's doing and run back to it to "Press!! Press!!" it back on, if it goes on. They then spent ages going round the fish and exploring all the garden furniture. They loved two teeny bridges for ponds. As we all left, Harrison and Katie went in the rides- a little helicopter simulator - that you put money in. An actual children's simulator, that had a video screen and everything, with movement controlled by a joystick (which harrison wildly waggled!) Linda put the money in, which Katie is neither used to nor a fan of normally. When it went on, she clung to Harrison, but then decided it was fun!

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