jeni and the beans

By themessymama

"Have dinner, mummy!"

Which I ignored, and carried on trying to get a picture.... so he followed me up the garden with "dinner" in his hand until I took it off him! Forgot to ask what it was, although probably if I had asked, it would just have been "dinner"...

Tummies have settled down today. In fact, it's been a pretty nice day really. Done very little. We didn't get out of pyjamas all day, had lots of cuddles and snuggles in bed, went out into the garden briefly having put coats and shoes on over pyjamas, came back in again because it was chilly...

So, apart from completely and utterly failing to balance the whole hunger / eating thing (how is it possible to go from "a little bit peckish" to "so hungry you can't actually eat what's in front of you" in less than half an hour??! Unbelievable.) it's been a lovely day.

Ben has been wonderfully unclingy, going off and playing by himself and coming back for snuggly cuddles.

I went off to bed for a bit once Steve came home because I'd not actually managed an afternoon nap, and was feeling tense because Ben had decided just as I was trying to have some insulin and food before Steve got home that he WAS going to be clingy and want mummy. And of course as soon as you get stressed it's sod's law that the needle isn't going to go in without a fight, and then it all goes pear shaped.

The plan was to give Ben a bath while I was dozing, but somehow Ben was more tired than we thought and he screamed and cried as Steve started getting him undressed, when I went to investigate he cried that he wanted mummy to get in the bath as well. I couldn't face squeezing in with him so Steve asked if daddy should get in the bath with him. That was acceptable so my boys both had a bath, and I think Steve had as much fun as Ben did playing with the bath toys!! Ben poured water on his daddy's head, and washed his face for him, then Steve got Ben all washed and clean. And while I was getting Ben dried and moisturised and ready for bed, Steve had his bath properly.

I sent Steve out for provisions while I was settling Ben down, and Ben was out like a light. And as he fell asleep my stomach realised we'd not actually had any dinner. Thankfully Steve was getting bacon and oh my goodness did I want a bacon sandwich.

10pm at night, bacon sandwich (on lightly toasted bread) with brown sauce... hit the spot, that did. The salt. Oh the salt. How gorgeous was that salt.

And so to bed...

Scan tomorrow!

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