Bernadette's Vision

By Bernadette


Bela said she is Myagi's BFF. Once he's on the table and it's play time he loves to demand a scratch between the horns and will do anything to make it happen.

She's been out with him a lot today, running, jumping, playing around.

I figured out that Crystal aka Mama is crying sometimes when she decides it is time to milk. Her schedule, not mine. I refuse to milk at 6am so I make her wait until at least 6:30am. Night too, trying to get her used to 6:30pm instead of 5:00pm. If however I am out there and not in the pen, she is crying for attention and company. I guess cause I'm the herd boss she feels she needs some attention from me. HAHA

What a day, chicken pen clean, goat pen clean, gardens watered, some solar set up, homeschool and work. The day won't end until 7pm for me at which point a long bubble bath is calling my name!

Our other hen who resides with the goats while she heals from her head injury is perfectly happy being the only chicken. She slept in the goat house with them and is sharing food with them. As I walked around in there with all 3 trailing behind I felt like Dr. Doolittle for a moment, or the Pied Piper.

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