
juno and I had a lonely walk this morning, the hill was so green after the rain this week. I tried in vain to try and save a couple of trees that had been uprooted.

No work again and I returned to an sleepy house, I chose to watch a taped program about British Seas.

The girls arose and we headed out to get new football boots for eco daughter.

Blustery showers and eco son chat changed our plans so we tidied up the house and cleaned out some cupboards.

The girls had a league cup fixture tonight, so we headed down to the away game. During the day one of the players called eco daughter saying she had injured herself at drama, so we got another girl to come along.

First half ended 0-0, it was tense and easily our hardest game of the season so far.

In the second half the opposition went 2-0 up. Our keeper had been off school ill but did not want to let the team down but she faded badly and felt terrible.

In spirit of our team eco daughter said she would go in, the girls rolled up their sleeves and dedided they wanted to win. Keeping to our passing game we started to reap rewards and got back to 2-2. The opposition came back into the game and eco daughter pulled off 4 superb saves. A frantic finish and a winner for the eco's team. What a game, what a great spirit both teams contributed to a fine evening entertainment.

Afterwards eco daughter told me 'she was pooing herself in goals'.

Really proud of the team and very proud of Eco daughter.

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