Shit day

Windy but dry this morning, a wee bite to the wind. A longer walk this morning as no work today. juno and I walked round with Barney a puppy spaniel, they had a ball.

Came home and relaxed, eco daughter had a riding lesson so I headed up with her. I mucked out the stables and helped feed the horses.

Headed back to the house after the blustery shower and let eco daughter get on with it.

Lunch with eco mum and we headed back to get daughter, part of my motive was to get some well rotted manure for the allotment. I filled 3 big bins and headed off to dump at the allotment.

A great night just chilling, just what was needed, off tomorrow as well so another day of relaxing with the girls playing a league cup game in the evening at Inverleith Park.

This is eco daughter just after we got the horses out of the field.

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