Right Here Right Now

By katesphotos

Listen.. do you want to know a secret?

School texted me today to let me know that Jeanne has been awarded the Half Term Award (again!)

For being a model pupil and trying her best all the time. I have been invited to the special assembly on Thursday at 3pm to see her collect her certificate. I wonder if she will guess if she spots me sneaking in....I have to keep it a secret for a couple of days.

I am so pleased for her, she will be really proud. She has mild Aspergers but deals with everything life throws at her admirably. Especially the massive change in our home life over the last 6 months, me becoming a lone parent, going back to work full time and all that entails.

I know she is a little star, when I got the text I (rather selfishly) thought
"I must be doing something right" I hope I am.

It's a privilege to be a mum to three wonderful, funny, clever (and quite often naughty girls!)

... and on Thursday as I watch her collect her prize - there is no place I'd rather be.

She's 10 this year but it doesn't seem two minutes since I would sing this to her when she was a baby. With me desperately trying to get her to sleep. Ten solid months before she slept through the night! I'm still catching up on my sleep.

"Now you know how happy I can be
Oh, and our good times start and end without dollar one to spend
But how much baby do we really need?
Cheer up, sleepy Jean, oh what can it mean

Daydream Believer ~ The Monkees

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