In Between Days

By jase


I am determined to get this entry in, even though I have to be up in three hours for the drive to the airport. Its been a busy day of packing and cleaning the house. I must give credit to L for doing most of the work but I still find it a bit stressful and not much fun at all. One of my tasks was mowing the lawn which I dutifully did and took the opportunity to take a few pictures of my push mower which I am actually quite fond of. Photo done for today I thought! At the end of the day when it was nearly time for bed and all the work was done I decided to post my blip only to realise that I had packed my camera. Never mind I thought, my compact was close to hand so I could just take a quick picture with that. I thought I'd try the long exposure setting and take a picture of the night sky. They needed a bit of editing in order to bring out the stars but they were not too bad for a first attempt. I chose the one to upload, thought of a title as it did so...

...only to be asked to confirm it was taken on Monday! I then realised that I'd taken them all after midnight! Doh! I didn't want to admit defeat so I ended up unpacking my other camera and eventually using my lawnmower photo. I can go to bed now. You will never see that starry sky. It really wasn't that bad.

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