Milk Jug

19 months 1 day

Katie is getting back on track with the nights. She woke up at 3.30, had a snuggle and then slept til 6. She then had four hours with no nappy on and not a single accident. She asked for the potty when needed. We're not abandoning nappies or anything mad yet, but we are having nappy free time a lot more at home, since she's not wanting them on and is wanting the potty.

We then went to meet a family from Montessori at the Lake. We were going to do some informal portaits. Katie had lots of fun chattering to Martha from the Littlelife, and they were lots of fun to work with. I'd taken bubbles and balloons, so the girls were very excited. After they'd gone, Katie and I went for a drink. She ate my whole caramel shortcake and finished my milk, straight from the little jug! We then went round the walk again. She walked along all the logs and benches she could find, and spent ages gathering pebbles. I had to stop her feeding these to the rabbits though. Mummy even managed a blip for my journal! That's four days in a row now, almost a habit!

We came home and had some lunch (she didn't sleep!) before we headed out to the new craft club. She spent a whole hour sat painting, and adding sparkles, feathers, googly eyes etc! She created about 5 different masterpieces and was giggling with delight as she glittered them all, mixed up the paint pots and covered herself. Mummy and our friend Laura made a rocket too. We all had lots of fun!

We stopped for a few bits before we came home. She discovered the new pack of felt pens I ordered for her and has done yet more pictures. But she's not slept since 10 am, so I think it's going to be a mission to keep her awake now!

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