Ugly journal

By AlanDrummond

Could this be be the last day?

I thought I would write my journal before the days events have started. Hopefully I will not be disappointed by what today brings.

Even better as today is supposedly our ever impending dooms day then what better reason to write my journal entry at the beginning of the day. I mean I can't sit on my computer typing a journal entry while the fires of hell are melting my skin, can I?

I remain faithful to what today will bring, I woke up to a smile when I picked up my phone and the first thing I see is my phone screens background.

After having a long think about wether or not i'm actually going to go in to work today or if i should quit and us the time between this and starting my new job to have a little time off. I decided that if this does turn out to be the last day ever then I may as well do what my heart is telling me to do and not listen to rational thinking.

As I sit here typing my journal, writing my resignation and ironically drinking a relaxing cup of tea from a Canon mug, I can't help but feel somewhat skeptical as to what consequences will become of me quitting my job. Like I said in the last journal entry, sometimes you just have to take risks.

Today I look forward to putting my feet up, chatting to Amy & looking forward to the next time I get to see her =) Who knows, I may even manage to go out skating later.

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