Man Eating Spider!!

Renovation Day 2!

Spence and I were going to spend the day together while Kaz worked from Traralgon, but we decided in the morning that I would go down there to pull down the rest of the fence that we left yesterday in case the tree man needed to get to the stumps. I dropped Spence off at Tarsh's house to play with Ethan and I did a quick trip down and back to Traralgon! I got the fence down with only one minor injury! I was using the back of an axe to bash the palings off and my little finger got caught in between the axe handle and a concrete fence post! I haven't cut it off or broken it but it is very swollen and purple!!

I picked Spence up and then we pottered for the rest of the day but got a few things done. Tomorrow Spence is in daycare again so Kaz and I have the day in Traralgon and my Dad is coming over to help us do a few things! We will then pick Spence up from daycare and drive to Mum and Dad's house and stay the night so that Mum can look after Spence on Saturday while we go back to Traralgon! Busy, busy times!

I took this photo today when I was pulling down the fence. I must have disturbed his hiding place because he came out onto the concrete driveway and let me take his photo!!

Large! - If you dare!!

EDIT: The body of this spider was about 2cm (0.8inches) long, so maybe a slight exaggeration on the man eating bit!!

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