Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Ballerina and her Birthday Presents

Today whizzed by with remarkable ease considering William was awake from 11PM, just as I went to bed, until 1AM last night. One very tired Mummy resulted considering he woke at least once between 1AM and 6.20AM when I got up. He didn't wake until 07.10AM however and probably felt better than me.

Dropped Carys at Nursery for her all day trip to Butterfly World, then the boy and I went to Tumbletots. William managed to eat a banana on the way so didn't really mind that I left the change bag in the car so it wouldn't distract him like last week. He was hyper this morning, making the staff laugh with his antis. Wasn't keen on doing circle time, but at least didn't throw a strop and we managed to stay until sticker time.

Went home and one of my friends from work came round for a coffee and to look at William's strange toes and then we were off to the Breast Feeding Drop-in. That was good, actually felt like I was doing something useful this time even though William wouldn't leave me be and insisted on pointing and shouting at the babies.

Picked up Carys, headed for ballet, where William had the devil in him, then home for tea and to open the present my friend brought with her this morning and one which came in the post. 'It's not my Birthday today Mummy and I am STILL getting presents?' Bless.

Will be back tomorrow to write up the quote of the day, which relates to Butterfly World trip although was said a little while back. I feel the need to record it somewhere, but am too tired right now.

Conversation with Carys about a fortnight ago about her trip to Butterfly world: 'Carys you will be going on a coach to Butterfly world.' After a short pause Carys replies 'Maybe they will choose me to be the Princess.' Confused Mummy asks 'What do you mean Carys?' 'Well Mummy, Kate went to Church in a car and when she became a Princess she was in a coach!'
Oh how things can get confused in a very logical way in a little girls mind.

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