Blipper's Daily (?)

By blipper


Out at lunchtime down to the Harbour at Port Seton to give the new camera it's first proper tryout. Have not finished reading the manual yet* so it was a bit hit and miss with the various modes, crop sizes, file formats etc. However I must say that so far I'm impressed with the detail it's giving. It's even made me do something that I have seldom done for a Blip before...namely post a Blip straight from the camera in jpg format with no processing!! (Normally I shoot in RAW and tinker with my shots so much that my wife refuses to believe that they are real).

Off on a short business trip to Holland tomorrow so I'll have a chance to finish reading the manual on the expect a couple of backblips from the flat country in a day or two.

*The LX-5 manual is 236 pages long which is not far off of the 348 pages for the D-7000 manual....obviously not a compact manual to go with a compact camera!

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