the other one

By theotherone

go tubby its your blipday

woopdy woop today is my blipday, one hundred photos of my life and the people that i love.

shown today is the team newton totem pole, with the most powerful at the top working down to the weak mr c.

the other one and (soon to be) cousin phil went round to mr c's to watch the ruggerby. mr c and i were delighted that scotland won, (soon to be) cousin phil who's arm is also in shot was not so happy but i guess that's what comes of being from englandshire.

way to go team scotland, in particular Southwell; R Lamont, Webster, Morrison, Walker; Paterson, M Blair, (capt): Jacobsen, Ford, Murray, Hines, MacLeod, Strokosch, Taylor, Hogg.
Replacements: Thomson, Dickinson, Smith, White, Brown, Lawson, Parks.

we are now heading out for pizza and big boy beers....

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