Beautiful girl

18 months 21 days

Last night Katie woke again at 10.30. The past 3 nights now she's woken at roughly this time, very unsettled, very much wanting her mummy. She came in bed with me and went to sleep. But she thrashed and wriggled round, settling eventually, but she was then talking in her sleep. I checked her, she was fast asleep. I know babies have a lot more REM sleep than adults, but do they have 'proper' dreams? Bad dreams like we do? Hmm, anyways, I'm wondering if its that unsettling her. She slept well, apart from that, so I suspect it wasnt her teeth, although she's been chomping like mad this morning.

She woke up her usual happy self, ate a good breakfast, and presented me with her dog dungarees to put on her when we went to get dressed. We met Emma and her mummy for Montessori. Katie had a wonderful time today. As soon as she arrived she did some printing. The second Katie walked in the door, the leader went "ohhh aprons!". katie is rather reknowned for her love of getting stuck right in, regardless of how much mess she makes! She did lots of water painting again too and dressed up as Winnie the Pooh. Her and Emma had a wonderful time on the seesaw together - and it was so nearly the blip.

2 days ago our combi video/tv packed in. Half way through playgroup a friend text saying she'd dug out their old video recorder and did we want it. Someone else gave us a lovely TV so when we got home, I set up the television (and had to rebuild the tv stand to accomodate it!) and the video. Katie was practically bouncing with the tweenies in her hand. And then watched it for three minutes before she turned it off and went to play. Katie had eaten 2 cheese straws during playgroup so wasnt much interested in her lunch. She was however very interested when she saw I had a bowl of custard. She ate most of that.

After her sleep, we went for a walk and to the library. She spent a while sat outside the library, just watching a tree that was waving a lot in the sun, with pretty leaves and making a lovely noise. I took her inside and she ran to the door to stand and watch some more. She ate a good tea (squash and sage soup, with dippy bread) and then ate a whole chocolate pudding - we share one usually!

She spent hours playing really beautifully with her doll today. She straps her in the booster chair, feeds her, changes her, wipes her, wraps her in a blanket, clothes her. For hours on end. She then took her to the sofa, sat down, said "baby, knee" and put her on her knee and cuddled her. So today's blip had to be this one. a) because I love it, and love my beautiful girl and b) because it shows the gentle, loving side to Katie.

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