Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Make-Shift Writing Center

This semester our Writing Center is sharing space with the Math Lab and the Computer Information Systems (CIS) folks. Since mid-February we've all been together. This has been a serious transition, at least for me. We are located in one corner, against a wall of a very big room. The computer at the Writing Center instructor's station is not connected to a printer so I am handicapped when there. The math instructor and the CIS instructor have computers that print and they are stationed in the center of the room. I was telling the Writing Center director today that "step-child" is sort of the way I feel when there on duty.

What concerns me is that we'll never return to a room that is just the Writing Center. When the construction is completed on the restoration of the library's first floor, the old Writing Center will become a "learning center" and we'll still be with the math and CIS folks. The fact that we will all move into the new facility at the same time might help us to feel more of an equal status.

I did think it was fun that one of the students received balloons and flowers for her birthday while she was at the Writing Center doing her work this afternoon.

So today's photograph is not much -- just a random shot of the very small space that the current Writing Center occupies. This is hardly of interest to my blip friends; however, I have not captured much of what has been going on at the campus this semester. I should blip the construction zone currently surrounding my campus office that is "off limits." I am enjoying my temporary office partner, Dr. Arend Flick, who I shared an office with for many years, but we have not shared an office for the past five or so years. What I don't like about the temporary office is that it is so far from everything because it is on the western edge of the campus clear across the parking lot.

Well, now that I have done a sufficient amount of complaining, I'll make my exit.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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