Cause You Are Amazing, Just The Way You Are...

The manic preparation of the last few days has paid off.

When I was at school, I kept my head down, and my nose clean. No one noticed me, and I excelled at being average.

Boy, came along, and excels at Sports and is the life and Soul of the party. If there was a noise, and laughing. He was there. The teachers endured his lackadaisical manner in the class room because he entertained, and always professed to be "trying hard". Parent nights consisted of "he could try harder, but oh, he is such a lovely funny boy".

Tooli, came along, and for her toddler years relied on Boy for all her requirements. She didn't speak for a long while, resorting to grunts and shouting at Boy to have her requested fulfilled. They were a good partnership.

At Primary, she was quiet, and studious. Every ounce of homework was done to perfection, and often several times.

Starting Secondary was a strain for her. Too many new people, and her friends from school were finding making friends much easier than she was. It took months before she was contented and relaxed.

Over the years, Tooli has stuck in and worked. She has made friends, and thrown herself into extra curricular activities.

Next year will be her final year at school, and last month she made it known to us that she was going to try for Head Girl. We were overwhelmed with Pride when Boy was made a Prefect - and had Tooli followed in his footsteps we would have been doubly proud.

Our wee Tooli has always been the quieter of our children, the more studious, the one I have tried always to protect from hurt and disappointment. I was worried sick at the effect trying for this post would have on her.

Between last week and this, there has been Voting by the pupils in her year. A group task test, and then an interview.

At 3.45 this afternoon she text "phone me, phone me".

I had spent the afternoon, trying desperately to think of ways to make her feel better, had the inevitable happened. But I could think of none. The only thing I could do was hope, against hope.

I picked up my phone and went thru to the hallway. A little voice on the end of the phone said "Mum, I got it, I'm Head Girl".

I phoned her Dad and said "phone her now, she's crying", and he too, was able to feel the joy as she told him the news too.

So Toolibelle Auroraborealis, you did it. You set a goal and you reached it. The world is your Lobster my baby, you have shown me that, and I will try very hard, to follow your example.

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