
By worldlens

Poached Fish

"Isn't it beautiful?" My friend, G, asked.
"Ummm...I guess, actually, not really." I wanted to respond, but I chose the more correct answer and agreed.

When it was time to eat, M quickly threw out, "I'm not going to be shy about it. Yumm...eye!" as her spoon dove for the eye. When she got a strange looking piece on her spoon, she made a funny face, "Ewww...brain."

My American upbringing taught me that fish is prettier breaded and fried or grilled with lemon. I also grew up with very few cooked eyeballs on my table. Over the past 9 months I've learned how to cook a fish like this, eat it, politely decline eating the eye, and enjoy the whole process.

I still can't say it's very beautiful though.

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