
By worldlens

Grandma Said...

Grandma said it was okay to post this because it is for educational purposes.

Here's my squatty potty/toilet/bathroom/shower all-in-one convenient space! This, from what I've seen, is a fairly average toilet/bathroom/shower. A majority of showers are in the same space as the toilet, it sure makes for easy cleaning! To use: Stand on the textured platforms and squat, back to the door, face to the wall. Don't sit...ewww...that's gross!

Many toilets come with a sprayer (like the one at the kitchen sink) to clean yourself off with and most do not come with toilet paper. After your business is done, just flush with a scoop or two of water. Most malls and other more modern places have at least some "western toilets," so don't let the toilets keep you from visiting. (Although do be careful when trying them out, more than a few visitors have broken legs or ankles from using the "squatty potty.")

If speaking in English, Thais will call this the "Toilet." At restaurants, malls, and anywhere else (that has them, sometimes they are hard to find) you will see signs that say "Toilet." When talking about cultures during a conversation class, I informed my students that if you go to the United States, you will find no signs that say "Toilet," and if you ask someone where the toilet is, they will look at you funny before pointing you toward a sign that says "Restroom" or "Bathroom."

Not bad, not wrong, just different. (And interesting too!)

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