Buckley Hughes World

By buckleyhughes

Pippi Findet Einen Spunk

So, I don't know about you, but I tend to get involved in all sorts of fun things that I would never have imagined only days earlier. Nearly every time this sort of happy happenstance makes me smile. In fact, I can't think of a time when I've said yes and then had a miserable time.

This week we've been staying with some very good friends in Hamburg. They have a 5-year old son, who is really into performance, theatre and drama. At the moment his big thing is Pippi Langstrompf (in the UK she's more commonly known as Pippi Longstocking). Neither Mrs BH or I have ever read her stories, but this week we have been fully immersed. To the point that we spent all day on Thursday preparing props, scenes, costumes, lines etc and then made a film of the story of Pippi Findet Einen Spunk. Even me telling our hosts what spunk colloquially means in English didn't put them off!

This is a still from my Flip video camera that I used to record a 'the making of...' film, to accompany the main director's cut, which I'm sure will be hitting the main cinemaplexes within weeks...

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