
By IzzyK

The Roughest Ride....

....T-shirt caught my attention a shortwhile ago when I dandered out for 'I'm hiding away writing all day supplies' & my comics (sorry newspapers for all you adults out there!) When this T-shirt caught my eye and had me giggling internally (I did myself proud and did not burst out giggling in front of all & sundry) & thought Sir you are not getting away without me taking a photo of it. So I politely asked if I could and Sir became Tim and we had a long chat about the T-shirt.

His uncle runs a mine in Australia sent it to him. Apparently the 'Rougest Ride of Your Life' is the sheer drop in a truck all the way down to the botton of the mine, I'd imagine that to be pretty scary & rough but personally think life itself is the roughest ride at times! But still shall hang on in there :o)

On another matter I got given out to today for ignoring someone in the local shop, (it was another t-shirt - Brighton Marathon with a Graham Greene quote that has completly slipped my mind) so dear friends if spot me & I don't spot you it's because I'm away deep in thought just bloody well grab me and say hello, I do drop back down to earth pretty quickly promise!

As I don't plan to go out again today (walk aside maybe later) I shouldn't do any more 'Ooophs Izzy does it again' thingys but I do believe I made a grown man blush, sorry Tim but you're T-shirt was way too funny to ignore!

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