
By IzzyK

Do Not Cross...

.....I've been observing this 'Police Do Not Cross' cordon for some weeks now on walk around the village and every time Aidan and I pass it on our walks he asks why is it there? what happened? when will they take it away?
It reminded me of a week a few years ago when I wrote down every question he asked and when the both of us sit down and read through the 1001 questions (slight, but ONLY just, exaggeration) we giggle ourselves silly. Children just come out with the most amazingly interesting questions and he never accepted (& still won't accept) 'just because'. I'm researching a topic for some writing work I'm doing at the mo and it's challenging because the usual

I KEEP six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.?

is not giving me enough scope and asking other unlimited questions are pushing me too far the other way! So much so it has driven me to not just to one walk today but two & my head is still spinning about out there somewhere! If you find it please send it my way!

That aside had a lovely afternoon listening to my friends band 'The Renegade Dogs' http://mysp.ac/mmFwtB at a local pub which was fun, enjoyed some familiar folk stuff (enjoyed listening them argue over whether the Irish stole them from the Scottish or vice versa or The Scottish from someone in Newcastle) etc and some of their self penned work.

Well done guys, will pop along to an indoor gig next time, I gave up after two hours outdoors, will bring socks & cardi next time! I'm such a wuss really ;o) When I joked I'd bring my tin whistle next time I think they thought I was serious! I shall if you wish to clear the room in record time & and my bodhrán if punters would like a free headache or two on the house!

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