Fishing at Lake Padden

C was gone all day today with her choir. They were singing at the morning church service on Samish Island, then a concert after lunch, ending the day with drinks and snacks at the home of one of the choir members who lives on the the island. (It's actually a peninsula, not an island, but I think it might become one if the glaciers keep receding.)

Miss Annie and I drove C to the rendezvous with her carpool, and stopped at Lake Padden on the way home to watch the fishers -- human and avian. I saw an osprey, an eagle, and a few gulls helping themselves to easy pickings. The lake was stocked with a few thousand hatchery fish prior to the fishing season opening yesterday. They're not versed in the ways of the wild, and are easy to catch on the first day. By the second day the ones that are left are well fed, or perhaps just a little wiser, and therefore not so easily hooked.

It was a beautiful day to be at the lake, with or without fish.

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