All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Oh what a beautiful day!

12 hours - I couldn't believe it - Ethan slept for 12 hours for the first time in a long time! Typically I was awake for a while during the night, but hey that wasn't enough to spoil our lie-in till just before 8am!

And what a nice day we've had. Glorious weather. A trip to the Cupcake Cafe Bar for lunch. Even though Ethan had only had a 15 minute nap in the car before we got there and we had to wake him on arrival, he was on great form and really enjoyed sharing my sandwich & hubbies baked tattie. Oh, not to mention the cupcake. We bought one each and Ethan devoured his - just as well since they were £2.50 each!! Very scrummy though.

We then headed over to Polkemmet Country Park which was absolutely heaving. First of all we went to the play area but Ethan seemed more interested in walking on the grass. We'd taken his tricycle with us so we then went for a walk along some of the woodland paths. It was pretty bumpy though which Ethan wasn't too impressed about so he ended up either walking by himself, sitting on hubbies shoulders or being carried by me. We tried out his Littlelife rucksack on him for the first time today but he wasn't very impressed by it! However he did love playing with all the fallen leaves in the woods and spotting all the dogs being taken for a walk.

Ethan then had another short nap in the car while we drove back to Livingston, but woke when we put him in the pushchair at The Centre. Unfortunately that was the end of his naps for the day but considering how little sleep he'd managed, he was remarkably cheerful today. We played for ages in the garden when we got back, as it was still really warm until teatime. He's now sound asleep in bed after all that fresh air. Dare I hope for another good night as a result??

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