best of todays

By Cas123

Hare Today, Goon Tomorrow!!

Anyone who like me was taught "Little Bunny Frew Frew" when they were small will understand what I mean. I was so pleased to find my kids also taught the song at nursery and to find that there is actually a book of the song.

Anyway, I was out doing some work on a lowland raised bog today and we found a hare form tucked into the vegetation (where it sleeps for any of those who aren't up on the lifestyle of the hare. No sing of the hare, probably as we had made too much noise struggling through the wet boggy bits as we tried to walk a W to survey the site. Some bits we had to avoid as if we had tried to walk though them we would never have been seen again. Quite disconcerting to see the surface you are walking on moving as you take each step!!

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