simple moments

By simplemoments

perched... a tree

for a very long time... didn't matter what i did - the great blue would not come down. no flying today. he just stared at me... i tried being patient. standing very still - no noise, no talking to him. that lasted a good 20 minutes or so... this while there was an awful lot of honking and fussing going on by the geese nearby. but i remained focused. no movement by "blue" - just continued staring at me and cleaning of feathers.

then i paid him no nevermind... there was no payoff with that, either.

i walked away... i came back... i talked to him... i ignored him... i talked to the geese and ducks and squirrels... he didn't budge...

i cried "uncle" first... and relented by snapping shots of him up in the tree as best i could. even perched, he's one of the most glorious of god's birds... and my capture doesn't do him justice.

happy day.....

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