simple moments

By simplemoments

golden guest

beautiful warm day today albeit very windy... with the warmth, came a lot of bees... they were buzzing about so fast i finally gave up on getting any in focus at all... until i was processing and noticed this one - in fact, i wasn't even sure it was a bee at first... it doesn't have the traditional coloring i'm used to seeing - it's more golden. i'm sure someone will have a name for it whereas i'm just calling it a golden guest on this little flower... for which i have no name either... i'm rather useless that way. things are birds, flowers, bees... just simple for me...

regarding the gosling watch: 6 more fluffly little ones were born last night... mama and papa were keeping close watch over them today, although did allow them into a shallow little area of the lake... carefully guarded. maybe more photo opps tomorrow although weather reports are calling for snow, if you can believe it. that's what i get for living in the mountains...

happy day.....

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