I have often walked, down this street before
It was an early start. 6.15, to get Si on the Arran Ferry. He had decided to walk the Ridge towards Goatfell, and needed an early start to get back for Scouts tonight.
The ferry terminal is just at the end of the road, where I used to work, so after I dropped him, I drove round to have a little look.
It's changed lots since I've been gone; houses which were being built when I left, are now occupied, and look like they have been occupied for ever. The cul-de-sac between the Marina and the Restaurant has been completed and restored back to it's original state before the house building took hold.
I looked over into the Marina itself and found some boats I recognised, but a lot of names I didn't. I used to love walking along the pontoons and trying to remember the boats, and where they were, and who they belonged to. It was a nice way to spend your lunch.
I found that an area I used to like to drive to and sit at has been "railed" off. Health and Safety found it "too dangerous" for pedestrians. But I was able to sit here and enjoy the view I used to.
There is more building work taking place, and a quick text allowed me to discover that a new, beautiful boat sales area, is being built - and where the boats sit now will eventually house a "Water Front Hotel".
I have very good memories of being at the Marina, and the change of job came out of the blue. I have no regrets about taking my new position, I love the work, the people and adore my new office - Now I have planes instead of boats; but I have regrets about leaving behind a very, very lovely friend, and am annoyed at myself that I don't make more of an effort to keep in touch.
So sorry Lovely Lady, we will get together soon I promise, and you had already gone, when I came back to pick my man up!
There are more Tears than Flowers today, and I want Tuula to know that I am thinking of her. XX
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