
By Frontier

Experiment and Observe #2

There was a recent election here in Toyota with about 50 over candidates running for seats in the local government. The week was inundated with promotional announcements from mini vans driving around town early in the morning getting me all riled up. However, it's very interesting as a way of seeing things from a different perspective, especially to the way politics is approached in Australia. I'm not a particularly avid fan of politics, only the hypothetical theories of how certain regimes or parties affect a society, different groups, and international relations, etc.

You can often get into heated arguments and most just end up being mud-slinging from comfortable armchairs. However, no matter what the circumstances, politics should always be scrutinised and analysed. In addition, whatever party you do intend to choose, it's never better than someone else's decision. Why? I believe you can never really "trust" someone, nor another person's supposed educated opinion. Nothing is as it seems. So political outcomes are a lottery, an experiment and should be observed. I think anyway.

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