Blue Planet Photography

By blueplanetphoto


Walking out to get the mail on this sunny and spring-like day, the grass outside our front door became my subject of the day. These will get cut down today or tomorrow in prep for new summer's growth.

Well, after thinking about it for a bit, I removed the Farting Preacher link. Even though the guy portrayed isn't really a preacher (in the actual sense of the word, he was a crook even if he might have been ordained), and the whole thing was pretty funny as a parody of his TV show where he did nothing but convince people to send him money in the name of religion and as a result given the hope of being healed, become rich, and/or go to heaven, I don't want to offend anyone if they misinterpreted this in any way. So, even though I haven't been told to, I decided to remove it. If anyone was upset about it, I apologize.

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