Easter Lunch

18months 3days

Well, today turned out to be more wonderful than I'd imagined. I knew it'd be nice, but it exceeded my expectations of nice. The beginning wasnt hot, she got up at 4.45 with sore teeth. And was up for the day. But she enjoyed some pre-breakfast chocolate, although it turned out to be breakfast chocolate. She ate about 4 mouthfuls of hot cross bun, that was it!

I set off a little early for Church - we were going in our village today, where we go for tea and toast, and have been just a couple of times for the service. I put her in the pram. My plan worked and she fell asleep. I was disappointed for her though as the service had so many lovely activities for the children, so much for them to do and be part of. The whole congregation was catered for, but the children were made to feel they mattered for the whole time and I loved it. They made chicks, decorated eggs, rolled different eggs, did bubble prayers, had easter biscuits, did bunny hats, allsorts. Some whilst the "grown up bits" were happening, some with the grown ups. Katie loved the parts that she was awake for (she didnt sleep long at all) She decorated an egg (but dropped it, oops, good job it was hard boiled), did a bunny, ate chocolate. Lots of fun!

After the service, we had been invited to stay for lunch. I expected it to be ok, but was going to enjoy the company of our friends. It turned out to be incredible, a brilliant homemade 3course meal. Fantastic desserts too. The food was absolutely beautiful, the tables were beautifully decorated, the young people waitressed the whole thing, and it was a really special time. Katie thoroughly enjoyed it, especially as we were sat with Emma. And because the vicar's dog was hiding under the next table.

Once the food was over, there was 2 hours of great entertainment, the children happily played. Katie was dancing away to some of the singing, clapping when everyone else clapped, and was a little star all day. She spent a lot of time having cuddles with Basil the dog and was thrilled to play with him. She is now totally shattered, and flopping, so we're on a mission to keep her awake til she goes for a bath. But it's been a fantastic day, and it's been so special to have been made to feel completely welcome by them.

And no. The top did not look like that when she'd finished, and I had already removed her dress to save that being ruined!

Edit: I failed. Well, I succeeded in that she stayed awake through her bath. However, I failed in that she was bathed and asleep by 5.30. I fear for the coming night!

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