michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Rite of Spring

A great afternoon walk down to our downtown park. There were ducks, robins, babies in strollers, babies in backpacks, fishermen, kids feeding the ducks, skateboarders, kids on bikes, tennis players, kayakers, teen lovebirds, and old men with cameras (ha).

Our number 1 sign of spring here in the Midwest is probably Robin Redbreast. But, to my liking, this picture is a close second. Kids on two-wheelers with training wheels. You just know that somewhere in the near future, one of these 3 tykes is going to say, "Dad, when can I try it without the training wheels?"

It's one of the first tests of parenthood of learning to let go. We hold and hold. We run alongside until they get a good head of steam. And then...and then...WE LET GO !!!

Just like later in their lives, sometimes this small exercise goes well, and sometimes they go for 10 feet, and we have to watch as they get a nice scrap or two. We, as parents, get to wildly applaud, or we get to kiss the boo-boos. Depending on the child...they jump right back in the saddle, or have mom or dad put the trike away for awhile until they get up the nerve again.

I took a few pictures today of Robins, but WE DON"T NEED NO STINKING ROBINS!!! We've got future cyclists. Have a great Easter.

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