Four eyes, three dimensions

After last night's shenanigans this morning was a late start although later for some than others, although I did have a wee kip in the afternoon. Come 4pm we were due at the home of My Eye, a newbie around here, for a barbecue. You could see the logic of it. It's been nice this week. It's a holiday weekend. Watching the rain bounce off the pavement had us questioning the wisdom of the barbecue.

Still, Mr My Eye insisted that he had two crates of German beer that needed to be polished off so that Stefan (? sp) could take the bottles and crates back to Germany. Well, I don't like to let a mate down. And I'm nothing if not perseverant when there's a job needing to be done. I did my best.

The children did some premature egg rolling and although some may be concerned at the influence of an overtly religious festival, when they're rolling their eggs down a slide shouting "sorry Jesus but it's time for your death!" I think there's little to worry about. When the adults are standing around trying to remember what the egg is supposed to symbolise, we're OK.

It did get a wee bit sunny but Ewan preferred the delights of 3D telly. Tomorrow I need to start bottling cider.

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