Several Species of

By luckycharms


My New Year's Photo Resolution (which I made some time in February) is to actually use these in 2008.

Also, today's indoor experiment was one of those nice white backdrops. Mine, of course, is ghetto, consisting of overhead flourescent lighting (though I do like the shadows) and a piece of white printer paper. All things considered, I think it came out all right. MFing a handheld 18mm shot at 4" from your subject is not easy, but a tripod that would do such a thing was not exactly easy to find, anfd the angle needed to be "just so" to make my 8 1/2 by 11 backdrop work. This could really use some post processing, but since I am still setting up my laptop after having it repaired again, neither iPhoto nor the GIMP is set up yet.

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