...for all the kind comments on yesterday's three year blip. You've made an old lady very happy.
Today (actually yesterday really since I'm writing this tomorrow, if you see what I mean) we've had some friends up from Bristol, so there's been much catching up, running around and eating; and no time for blipping.
Last night was supposed to be a chance to catch up on blip a bit, and would have been but for an odd incident: two minutes after I'd posted my blip Conor (who was supposed to be brushing his teeth for bed) came rushing into the room howling in pain and clutching his thumb which was pouring with blood. Lots of comforting and cuddling and some investigation by Mr B in the bathroom and we got to the bottom of it: he'd stabbed his thumb with one of his epi-pens (adreneline injections we carry for him in case he has a bad allergic reaction).
A panicky call to NHS 24, and a helpful call back from a doctor confirmed that a trip to A&E was not needed (the car's away being fixed, of course). In case this happens to anyone else, the doctor said that the adreneline would contract the blood vessels, which could cause problems, so he should keep his thumb in warm water to help the vessels expand again. The doctor also said this is a very common injury among health care professionals, as it's quite easy to use the pen the wrong way up and inject it through your thumb rather than into the patient.
Most unpleasant job of the day was cleaning the bathroom where the incident happened. It was like a scene from CSI with blood splattered on every surface. Hardly suprising since when I asked Conor later how he got the needle out he said "I just shook my hand really hard".
So, all is well, but there has obviously been a review of medicine storage policy in House of B. I've always said my kids have shown no interest in medicines and have never tried to investigate them. I guess they don't... until they do. Trouble with epi-pens of course is that you have to keep them handy: if they're needed the last thing you want to be doing is trying to remember where you put the key to the medicine cabinet...
Anyway, with the benefit of backblipping, I can confirm that his thumb is fine - painful and with a hole through it - but broadly fine.
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