So Much Room Up Here....
Beau Cat made it 3/4 of the way up Boy's Tree tonight.
Quite an achievement for a Cat that doesn't move very much.
I was laying in the grass, recovering from a second cycle to and from work when she did this, and I have to wonder what is going through her wee mind.
When my mind isn't working too well, through an in-built chemical imbalance, not through a manufactured chemical imbalance, all sorts go through my head. I have to drive without the radio off, so that I can hear clearly what is going on!
I have conversations with myself, and on the odd occasssion conversations with other people. These can be quite enlightening. It's funny how your mind works, in order to force you to see that things aren't quite right.
Si and the kids will occassionally ask, "anyone been in the car with you today?". They always hope the answer is no, and if I pause too long before I say it.....
Today, on my bike, I had company. I think the company was there to distract me from possible attacks from manic cyclists (see yesterday). However, George Galloway on a bike in lycra is something I fail to see how my brain created in order to make me focussed.
I think maybe I need more prozac?
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