Mr B needed a quiet house again this morning, so we headed out early on the bus to the next village, to walk back along the beach. The kids were distinctly underwhelmed by the idea, so to make it seem more fun we stopped of at the library on the way to read about explorers and decided to make our trip an exploration. So, our expedition diary:
From where we left our transport, and the comforts of civilisation, it was a long journey until we found the sea. There we found unusual flora which our scientific officer has carefully recorded and named: Lundin red tulip, Lundin not open yet Bluebell, and Lundin dunno some kind of green thing.
Once on the beach we mapped our route through rocks and pools seeing large fauna on the way which were reminiscent of dogs that have been so overfed that their legs have shrunk and they can just lie there on sandbanks until the tide comes in to float them away. Regretably, our chief supplies officer left our supplies on a rock which was subsumed by the tides. Our expedition photographer was chosen to make the brave attempt through the icy water to retrieve said supplies on the basis that she has the biggest feet. With the supplies safely retrieved we retreated to drier ground to eat our rations. With supplies low, we had a mere one doughnut and gulp of water each. Sadly, we discovered that one half of our water ration had been lost due to an improperly sealed water vessel.
Never seen such fat seals. They could barely move. Later, more shopping, moules frites for dinner and an expectation of much cheese later.
Mr B has altered our schedule. Six days, and counting. Best start packing tomorrow.
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