While on my runs

By waipushrink

Reflections of dawn

Another day. Another run. Another park. From the boardwalk beside Cox's Creek I spied a pukeko wading in the creek where it was spilling over onto what was mangrove swamp and is now just swamp. Got a nice reflection, and felt pleased with what I had for posting from while on my run.

However, as I neared the end of my course for the morning I saw that the moon, shortly before setting, was reflecting light passing through the upper atmosphere from the rising sun. And the sky just above the western horizon showed similar colour to that seen in the east some minutes earlier. I used the maximium zoom available on the little Panasonic point and shoot I take on my runs, positioned myself so as to include the eave of a Grey Lynn villa an Australian eucalypt, and some chimneys and roof lines. I think that even the power line across the top corner is better left in. Reflections on my shot.

I did crop the picture so as to bring the moon into a little more prominence. This picture is a little reminiscent of a month ago.

Running in the cool (it was cold enough this morning to chill the hands) of the morning allows time for reflection, and it does help set me for the day to come. The beauty of the moon increased the power of this effect.

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