Our beloved Dane

Deedle, the Dane, has been with us for many years.

Sadly his health is deteriorating (hip joints) and almost every night he receives Rife Resonator Therapy. Apart form the hip-problem, black cancerous growths have also manifested on his abdomen. These have been treated, succsessfully, more or less, with a Silver Gel ointment. What is going on inside of his body - we do not know.

Yet, we cannot dispute the fact that he has lived (almost 13 years!), much longer than most of his species.

With winter upon us, I dread how he will be able to handle the winter cold.

Yet, he has been an ever watchful and faithful dog, and fortunately we gave him the
best we could.

Being of Merle-breed, he never had the pleasure of being with a female of his own kind (sigh!), what a loss.

Do not breed merle Great Danes!

Even if your Merle is perfect in every way, great conformation, character and all else that a Dane can be. Breeding merles is currently deemed an unethical practice.

Merle breeding may produce dead puppies, sick puppies, and Danes that are predisposed to future health problems. This is possible if the "merle" gene is present in both parents, resulting in double "merle" dogs that can be stillborn, deaf, blind and genetically flawed.

We have agreed that he will not suffer unnecessarily.

The thought is painful.

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