Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Kelling Heath

Such a great weekend, such a lot of shots and for some reason I chose one that could be taken anywhere. I always wanted to get a decent ladybird shot for some reason. Here it is.

Back blipped yesterday. Go check it out. Can't be arsed to link.

This weekend was perhaps the best I've had in years. Just me Ross and Tara chlling on cliffs, biking places and getting shitfaced at night (apart from Tara as she is carrying baby Bond, but me and Ross made up for it).

There's loads to say but y'know me I've never been one to go on and on with pointless anecdote after... oh no wait. That is me.

I'll whet your appetite with two. The first night we went to the eaterie on camp and were served by a delightful young lady. She was a bit too chirpy though, all 'yes sirs' and smiles and bouncing about. Gave me a headache. Unbeknown to me Ross thought it was hilarious to give her a tip: with my phone number written on it. The next night the whole waitressing staff thought it was hilarious when I walked in. I was completely embarrassed as she came over and explained hse had a boyfriend. I explained I was 32 and she was still at college. Then her slightly less chirpy, slightly older (and slightly less rodent like) friend began to sniff around as well. She was still born sometime after 1990 though so I basically just drank away the interest.

We also witnessed a slightly disturbing incident in a cafe in Sheringham. The was a foriegn care worker who was treating her patient (an eighty year old lady with dementia) appallingly. It went on and on, behaviour that could only be described as bullying, arrogant and offensive to everyone in the place. Eventually we snapped. Tara complained to the owner whilst myself and Ross went over for a chat. It went like this.

Ross: Hi, is that lady you're with a friend?
Carer (nervous laugh) No no haha

(i move between carer and door)

Ross: Not a friend?
Carer: No, no patient

Ross: she's a nice lady
Carer (nervously) yes, no, yes

(I continue to look a bit menacing)

Ross: You should treat her with more respect
Carer: (moving towards handbag that she thinks I'm going to steal) No, dementia, no
Ross: Be nice

With that he beckoned me towards the door and I moved away silently with him in tow. As we did the owner was chatting to a group of carers about the appalling behaviour of the staff member outside. I know this may have seemed like us bullying the five foot nothing Filipino carer but believe me her attitude was awful, the old lady was crying and all sorts. I can't stand that.

Great weekend though. Tomorrow: Ross wants to let someones tyres down for throwing a disposable barbeque into the sea, and hear about my conversation with a cockney who had a tattoo on his neck and overused the word 'Peaches'.

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