
We headed off to meet Jess at Tentsmuir again today but she called off at the last minute as she had to go out on a job. Not to worry, the sun was shining so we pootled off along the shoreline with the dogs.

We spotted a trio of herons just on the waters edge. Managed to get a few shots of them standing proudly then they flew off. A bit further along we spotted them again, how obliging! Then Oscar spotted them and he gave chase. They were too fast for him and took to the wing :) You have got to love a trier :)

The dogs had a great time in and out of the water and we sat and enjoyed the warmth of the sun by the sea for a while.

When we got home the temp in the back garden was reading 30c so we were forced to sit in the sun with a glass of wine :) Sheesh, its a tough life sometimes!

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