
By Appreciation


The Annual Scout Jumble Sale today. It takes over a week to collect everything from the neighbourhood. It's sorted and stacked high.

I was your pictures and mirrors sales assistant today. Mostly I was selling at £2-3 but was delighted to prize £225 from a dealer for a set of quite frankly manky pictures. Clearly they had a lot more value in them. He was an outrage, and I do love a bit of banter. We had a good laugh. I loved his comment that the frames were really dirty - like I was about to fall for that. Apologised for not having the Pledge out at 8.30 this morning and suggested I may take a bit of their age and authenticity away if I had. He then started suggesting they were 1960 plastic so I turned them over and stuck my nail in the wooden frame. Ended up leaving my nail in there so he got that thrown in as well.

As for the boy 'scouts' well they love picking up all the rubbish of the day. Here the local Boyz in the Hood had been customising their newly purchased trikes and silver cross prams. One inner tube was split but that's not a problem to these resourceful youths - they stuffed the tyre with newspaper. Dan MacAskill eat your heart out.

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