Samoan Treasures

We're back. 10 days in beautiful Samoa. 30 degree temperatures (water included), great food, sun, beautiful people ... and many good times with the extended family.

And back to reality. Over 1000 photos, a similar number of emails to wade through, unpacking, and re-acclimatising. Raining and 13 degrees. Yuck!

Anyway, treasures. So many great memories, and photos to prove it. I'll back blip them in the next few days.

But also the unpacking of treasures. A number of schools in Christchurch have been helping a school on Manono Island in Samoa, and Hilary and the kids paid them a visit. Sadly I couldn't go as I was working on computers ... (long story). They were treated as royalty, ceremonies, a feast, and gifts to take home. Not a couple but an entire box - necklaces, mats, carvings. Just amazing, and humbling.

This is one of my favourites, I assume it's a ceremonial axe, made by a year 4 girl. All hand crafted. Simply fantastic.

And oh yes, as I took this photo another aftershock hit, biggest since the main quake I think, got to be 5+. I was on my knees photographing. It was easy enough to stay there. Power is off in many parts of the city, welcome home!

Edit: Geonet reports 5.3, it's in the top 10 since the 7.1

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